
Showing posts from June, 2017

How to Blog

A blog is a place for information to be shared and seen by many. This is a beginner’s guide to blogging; it will be a simple explanation on how to get a blog post started. 1.    Pick a topic This may seem like an obvious first step, but picking a topic can be challenging. When picking a topic it is important to keep everything simple and about the same thing. If your blog post changes what it is about too frequently the reader will not be able to follow along. 2. Keep it simple If you try to cover too much information in a single post the reader may lose interest. Keeping your post simple ensures that the reader will not be too overloaded with information and can enjoy and take in the content you have posted for them. Pick a font that is easy to read and a font color that is also easy to read. Ad images to keep it interesting, just make sure you site them if you need to.  3 .    Format Clearly            This goes along with keeping

Optimizing Your Website

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is using content to direct people to your website. This can be done with blogs or ads, but the most important part o it is putting content out there for people to be able to find. This reading and videos reminded me of the website Pinterest. Pinterest is a search engine that shows pictures as the results regardless of what you find, the idea behind it is to inspire people to be creative and have a place to "pin" their ideas and save them for later. I love this website and frequently use it. The reason SEO comes to mind when talking about this website is because it is a place to share ideas, and getting the ideas you have to become popular ideas requires optimizing your content. Pinterest is one of my most used social media or search engines, either way you look at it I can spend a lot of time doing it. Where else will you find out how to make your hair glitter? Or how to make a watermelon look like a big cat.  Some of these pin

Adwords Tracking tools

Creating an ad campaign through Google Adwords can be beneficial if you are looking to use various means of advertising for your product, or company. The Adwords technology leaves you in control of the advertising that is being done, without the constant need of someone paying attention to how it is going. One of the best tools Adwords includes is the ability to track the success of various campaigns. Adwords uses conversion tracking to keep tabs on what happens after someone clicks on your ad. This is the ability to track what the visitor does on your website after initially clicking on the ad, whether it is buying something or just looking it can be tracked. Another benefit is the ability to know if people are calling directly from the ad they were previewing. A third benefit is the ability to use Adwords in apps and keep track of in app purchases through the ads that are displayed in the mobile ap. Google Analytics is also available for free use, this tool gives detailed reporti

The Value of Online Advertising

The popularity of social media is giving people the opportunities to connect with people they never imagined to be possible. When I think of social media connecting people, my first thought it Facebook. There are a ton of social media outlets, but this one is the one I think of as the most personal. This is for a variety of reasons, but Facebook was the first social media platform of the ones that are still popular today. Meaning you can run, but you cannot hide from the old pictures that were posted of you before you reached your prime. The image you create for yourself on social media can be altered whether it’s using filters, photo shop, or any other means available to alter the image, it is a representation of you, but not necessarily the real version of you. Through using online advertising Facebook creates ads they think are relevant to the most common version of yourself, based on your searches and activity. Facebook shows ads at all times you are looking

Essentials of Effective Inbound

As traditional marketing becomes a thing of the past, inbound marketing is constantly occurring as technology is bringing people closer to each other, without ever having to actually meet. Inbound marketing is not about interrupting people with your ads, but rather drawing people into your company based on the content you are putting out. Inbound is most effective when the content that is being created is using the right context; it is important to know your audience. As I was reading and studying the inbound materials I realized that there are many products I have tried because of inbound marketing, and many more I wish to try when I get the funds to do so. I fit the context for many makeup brands who use inbound marketing. For almost 10 years I have been a huge fan of many makeup artists who built their following via YouTube. Before there was contouring, or highlights there were girls giving their best efforts to create makeup looks all for a video to post on YouTube. Now makeu