How to Blog

A blog is a place for information to be shared and seen by many. This is a beginner’s guide to blogging; it will be a simple explanation on how to get a blog post started.

1.  Pick a topic
This may seem like an obvious first step, but picking a topic can be challenging. When picking a topic it is important to keep everything simple and about the same thing. If your blog post changes what it is about too frequently the reader will not be able to follow along.

2. Keep it simple
If you try to cover too much information in a single post the reader may lose interest. Keeping your post simple ensures that the reader will not be too overloaded with information and can enjoy and take in the content you have posted for them. Pick a font that is easy to read and a font color that is also easy to read. Ad images to keep it interesting, just make sure you site them if you need to. 

3 Format Clearly           
This goes along with keeping your blog simple, leave clear spaces so the reader is not overwhelmed. Mind how you break up text and where you place images. The more spaced out things are from each other the more clear the blog will be to the reader. This can include bolding the heading and subheadings. Before posting look at how the post will look and make sure you like it so you know what the reader will be seeing. You do not want them to feel like looking at your blog is a punch in the face.

These are three simple steps to help you get started on your first blog post. 


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