Optimizing Your Website

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is using content to direct people to your website. This can be done with blogs or ads, but the most important part o it is putting content out there for people to be able to find. This reading and videos reminded me of the website Pinterest. Pinterest is a search engine that shows pictures as the results regardless of what you find, the idea behind it is to inspire people to be creative and have a place to "pin" their ideas and save them for later. I love this website and frequently use it. The reason SEO comes to mind when talking about this website is because it is a place to share ideas, and getting the ideas you have to become popular ideas requires optimizing your content.

Pinterest is one of my most used social media or search engines, either way you look at it I can spend a lot of time doing it. Where else will you find out how to make your hair glitter?

Or how to make a watermelon look like a big cat. 

Some of these pins are goofy, but a lot of them are useful. There are a lot of good ideas and inspiration on Pinterest, but there are some users who are not optimizing their use of the website.

Pinterest users can benefit from SEO in multiple ways. The first thought I have is blogging, most links on Pinterest lead to a blog where someone goes in depth on how they created whatever they shared. Some blogs are not formatted well or not formatted for mobile devices, and these things make people lose interest in whatever project they thought they wanted to learn about. People could gain popularity and subscribers on their blogs when the formatting is done well and the information is easy to read.

The next thing that comes to mind is the clothing and shopping opportunities through the Pinterest website. Many times brands will push their unique clothing, it will get a lot of reposts, then be sold out. The issue is not the popularity and the selling out, but a lot of the brands that sell these unique items are unable to be find through searches on any other website. If something is posted to Pinterest it almost always is posted somewhere else and saved to a board on Pinterest, so if there are some cool clothing items on Pinterest they must have come from somewhere. If the websites that made some of these clothing items worked on optimizing their search results they would be able to have more business and grow a trusting clientele.


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