
Showing posts from July, 2017

AdWords Keywords

Keywords are an important part of AdWords, and arguably the most important part of the campaign, because no one will see it if you pick the wrong keywords. Knowing and understanding your target buyer is essential when it comes to picking keywords, because how one person might phrase a search can be entirely different than you do, even if it has the same meaning. These different meanings can be because of cultural differences, geography, or age, all depending on the slang and the common phrases of the area or the group of people. Picking keywords that are very general and can share meaning with a majority of people are the best options for your keywords. So how specific should you be when making keywords, it depends and here’s why: Here’s the story of a search, Person A and Person B is looking to buy a new water bottle. Person A does not know much about water bottles, just wants something cute; Person B wants something that is not plastic or is recycl

AdWords Campaign End Dates

All Good Things Must Come to an End. When you take the first bite out of your favorite dessert, you savor every bite because you know there will not be an endless supply of whatever it is. For me personally I am an ice cream addict, but I do not savor that because it is easy to come by. My all-time favorite, good to the last bite, eat it like it’s gold food is the Toasted Marshmallow S’mores Galore cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. This dessert is magnificent and I love it, but I know one whole piece is too much, I usually stop eating it at half. It’s a great thing, but it must end somewhere. The AdWords Campaign advanced settings is the ability to set an end date for whatever campaign you launch. This is so important because if you set your daily budget for a reasonable amount of money, but the payment never stops coming out, you risk losing much more money than you budgeted for. There is a chance that your ad will be profitable and the campaign is making much mor

Launching a Campaign

Everyday there are ads that are seen by a lot of people, but are these ads being seen by people who they are actually in the market for? Some of the ads I see are for the University I already attend, I already go there why are you trying to sell it to me? There are many new campaigns that are launched daily, but making sure your ads go to the people who you are trying to reach is the most important part of marketing. Launching an AdWords campaign is useful because there are many options that help you to direct your campaigns towards the right audience. Some of the tools that AdWords offers are: 1.the ability to set an end date to the campaign. This is important because it is not a free service, and it will continue to charge you until it hits the end date. It's not that expensive in moderation and when it is brining in enough revenue to cover the costs, but over time it can add up to surprising amounts. Going along with this, if a campaign is not bringing in revenue it