AdWords Campaign End Dates

All Good Things Must Come to an End.

When you take the first bite out of your favorite dessert, you savor every bite because you know there will not be an endless supply of whatever it is. For me personally I am an ice cream addict, but I do not savor that because it is easy to come by. My all-time favorite, good to the last bite, eat it like it’s gold food is the Toasted Marshmallow S’mores Galore cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. This dessert is magnificent and I love it, but I know one whole piece is too much, I usually stop eating it at half. It’s a great thing, but it must end somewhere.

The AdWords Campaign advanced settings is the ability to set an end date for whatever campaign you launch. This is so important because if you set your daily budget for a reasonable amount of money, but the payment never stops coming out, you risk losing much more money than you budgeted for. There is a chance that your ad will be profitable and the campaign is making much more than you initially thought, but it is not likely this ad will stay booming forever, which is why there must be an end date.

Like stopping my cheesecake halfway through the piece, stopping your campaign with an end date gives you a chance to evaluate if continuing is really the best decision. Stopping it ensures that whether or not you are monitoring it, you can manage the amount of possible loss and make sure it is accounted for properly.


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