
Showing posts from October, 2017

MKTG 347 week 7 Hootsuite

Hootsuite is an online tool to help you post things among multiple platforms at one time. Hootsuite has various features, you can pick different social media platforms to post on at once, you can also view various different streams. Streams are different views of the social media platform in once place but separate. The first thing you need to do on Hootsuite to be able to post to various social medias at one time is to add a Social Network. In the top left corner it looks like this:  Simply hit the +Add Social Network, and you will be presented with this, where you can see the various social media platforms you can share too. On the right side when you click on which platform you want to add there will be the "Connect with ____" and you simply hit that and log in. On Facebook, and maybe others I am only sure of Facebook, you can pick which parts of your profile you want to connect. I do not need my personal Facebook account on Hootsuite, so I only allowed the

MKTG 345 Week 4 Digging Deeper: Audience

Using Google Analytics to track your websites progress is important because it can show you whether or not you are meeting your goals. Google Analytics has many features, one of the important ones to really understand is the audience feature. When I say the Audience feature I am talking about the metrics that are displayed by clicking on this, on the left sidebar. Within Audience there are many other features such as: Overview, Active Users, Lifetime Value, Cohort Analysis, and Audiences. This post will be touching on understanding the Overview section of Audience. When you first get into the Overview section the first thing that pops up is a line graph that gives an overview of some metric. These are the different things you can have these line graphs show you. Using these are valuable, but one of the most valuable features on Google Analytics>Audience>Overview, is the ability to compare these different metrics. There are two different ways they allow you to compare, and t

MKTG 347 week 6 Facebook Insights

Facebook is the most popular social media platform, and with this size it makes sense to use it as a means for advertising your company. Facebook as a way to create an additional "account" called a Page. These pages look similar to a personal account, but can be used to promote businesses. These pages have the cover photo, profile picture, profile name, and the ability to post like personal pages, but they do not require a new log in, they can be added to personal accounts. The person who creates the account is the admin, but other people can be added into page roles if there are more people who have a job regarding the Facebook page. By using Facebook pages you can also track the insights that come form your posts. These insights include a page summary and the page summary has information like, page views, page previews, reach, engagements, likes, and followers. These different metrics can give you an idea of how people are interacting with your page. Here is an exam

MKTG 347 Week 5 Social Monitoring

Social monitoring is keeping track of what people are saying about you online and what kind of presence you have online. This is a helpful tool because you can regularly check what people are saying about you and the general feeling people are having towards you. There are many different ways to track your website,  here is a blog with 15 different free social monitoring tools. Another easy to use and free tool is the website  Social Mention , this is as easy to use as a Google Search. You simply type in the name of the brand or of the person you want to know about and the results will you about their current social presence. As an example I am going to look up the Social Mentions for Extra Gum. This is how simple it is, you type the name into the search bar and wallah, you get to see the current online presence of Extra Gum. This is what the page looks like after you hit the "Search" button: This brand is a little harder to know the true mentions because "

MKTG 345 week 6 You're Probably Already Familiar with Analytics

Analytics is taking data and interpreting what it means. Analytics sounds scary and it can be overwhelming and challenging, but there are things you analyze everyday without even realizing it. An example of this is any time you post something on social media, you get views or likes and that’s a form of analytics, seeing who is interested in the things you post. You also can use this information to compare if you are really as funny as you think you are, based on comparing your expected number of likes with the number of likes you actually got.  One of the biggest sources of analytics data is SnapChat, you may not even realize it but every interaction that occurs on that platform gives you a little bit different data, and you probably make some conclusions based on what it is telling you without even realizing it.  Any time you send someone a Snap Chat it tells them what time they received it, and when they view the chat you can see what time they opened it. Here you an see h