MKTG 347 week 6 Facebook Insights

Facebook is the most popular social media platform, and with this size it makes sense to use it as a means for advertising your company. Facebook as a way to create an additional "account" called a Page. These pages look similar to a personal account, but can be used to promote businesses. These pages have the cover photo, profile picture, profile name, and the ability to post like personal pages, but they do not require a new log in, they can be added to personal accounts. The person who creates the account is the admin, but other people can be added into page roles if there are more people who have a job regarding the Facebook page.

By using Facebook pages you can also track the insights that come form your posts. These insights include a page summary and the page summary has information like, page views, page previews, reach, engagements, likes, and followers. These different metrics can give you an idea of how people are interacting with your page.

Here is an example of a page summary:

This shows the current numbers as well as how that measurement has changed over time. Another important thing to note, it is not visible in this image, is the difference between organic and paid results. These results are organic, meaning people found them without paid promotion, so that is the only measurement there is. However if there had been some payment to boost posts those figures would also be there and there would be another line on all of the graphs in a different color so you can determine whether or not paying to boost posts is a good investment. 

A lot of these metrics are self explanatory, but Reach and Post Engagement may not be as clear. 

Post Engagement is the measure of action people are taking on your page. This is a good tool to make sure people are still looking at your page, you can compare different periods to see which month or time frame was more engaging and use that information to help shape your future posts. Within engagement there is passive and active engagement. Passive is people clicking to read more or look at the image, but does not share or like or comment on the post. Active engagement is when people share, comment, or like the post. 

Reach is the number of unique people who see the post, so how many people are seeing what you are putting out there. This is people who it shows up on their timeline regardless of whether or not they engage. 

Using Facebook pages is simple, especially if you have experience with a personal Facebook page. Facebook's major benefit is the analytics already included in the framework of a page. 


  1. Not only is Facebook a great platform to use to promote your business, it is also the largest social media platform out there with about 2 billion users. Some may say it is not the "hot" social media platform it once way, but it continues to have a large number of active daily users.

    Great information about Facebook's analytics in your post.


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