MKTG 347 Week 5 Social Monitoring

Social monitoring is keeping track of what people are saying about you online and what kind of presence you have online. This is a helpful tool because you can regularly check what people are saying about you and the general feeling people are having towards you. There are many different ways to track your website, here is a blog with 15 different free social monitoring tools. Another easy to use and free tool is the website Social Mention, this is as easy to use as a Google Search. You simply type in the name of the brand or of the person you want to know about and the results will you about their current social presence.

As an example I am going to look up the Social Mentions for Extra Gum.

This is how simple it is, you type the name into the search bar and wallah, you get to see the current online presence of Extra Gum. This is what the page looks like after you hit the "Search" button:

This brand is a little harder to know the true mentions because "extra" and "gum" are common phrases in general and sometimes together even if they are not referring to the brand Extra. But you can see the second tweet on the results page says "Good" and talks about "Extra", so Social Mention automatically put a green dot next to the tweet, meaning it is a positive thing being said about the brand. Is stepping in gum positive? I don't know, but they made light of the situation so it helps Extra's social presence by being a positive. You can see on the left they break up the Positive, Neutral, and Negative mentions. Having mostly positive mentions is good, but having mostly neutral mentions is also fine, in most cases no publicity for a brand is bad publicity as long as it falls into one of these categories, and they have few negative mentions. The Negative mentions are at 6, and the third tweet on the results page reads, "Had extra gum taken out..." it is not actually referring to the product Extra gum, so that could be the case for some of the other mentions on the site.

Because Extra Gum is not mostly negative their overall presence is fine. It would be a little easier to analyze if there was more information directly focused at this product, but the general overview is positive and that's fine. If Extra wanted a better idea of their social mentions they could start a hashtag and have people post using that hashtag then search the hashtag on Social Mention or other monitoring sites and see overall the direct associations.

Social Mention is a fun website to play around with and see what people are saying. It's not perfect, but there are many other free analytic tools and tools like Social Mention that can be used to help paint a picture of the look of a company, brand, or person.


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