MKTG 345 Google Analytics Bounce Rate Week 11

The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors on a website who exit the site after only viewing one page. This is an important rate to know in marketing because it gives you insight on the user experience. If people did not find your website pleasing, they left. Not all high bounce rates are bad, if the reason for the ad campaign was to get people to complete the option and they went to that page, and did then the higher bounce rate may not be a bad thing. Or if the purpose of that page is to complete a specific task, like assist in making a phone call, or that lead directly to the product they clicked on. So if your goals only expect the visitor to visit one page then a lower bounce rate is ok.

By looking at the bounce rate of all of your pages to be compared you can see which pages keep people on your site, and use that as a model to your other pages. You can also see all of the different traffic sources, and figure out which ones brought the most to your website, as well as which sources keep people on your website the longest.

There are some ways you can improve your bounce rate if you feel that is the best option to meet your goals. You can add links to other pages in your site in interesting ways on your pages with the lowest bounce rate. Add pages beyond the product page, so people who are not ready to convert can learn more about the company or brand. Improving your content may help as well, good content is one the most important parts of digital marketing.

This is a pretty simple overview of what bounce rate means. Understanding it is important, and does not all have to be done at one time. Like everything in analytics really understanding what it means takes playing around with it and seeing what happens.


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