WCIYP You Have a Purpose week 9

We were all put on earth. It doesn't matter what system of beliefs you have, it is a fact we are all on earth, living, breathing beings, who must interact with the other humans. This may seem like the most obvious thing you have ever read. It can become something more very quickly, if you ever think why me in this exact place and time, then you may be dabbling in figuring out your purpose.

I believe we were all put on this earth with a purpose. We do not all need to be the most perfect athlete, or the most intelligent person, but we all need to do what we do best. Society is at its peak when there is balance. If we all try to be the best at the same things we will ruin the balance and take away from our own lives and the lives of others.

Finding your purpose sounds scary and rewarding, and it is both. I believe life purposes changes, everything in the universe is constantly changing, so why would your life purpose never change. I do think some people find their thing and stick with that and excel at that forever, however I think some peoples purpose includes the ability to adapt to the needs of their surroundings.

One way to embrace your life purpose is to let go of the idea that you have a specific purpose you need to find, but adapt the idea that your purpose in life is to love life. When you begin to think about life as something you love doing and want to be apart of, you begin to see that there is a bigger picture. You become a piece of a big puzzle, but rather than feeling small because you're just a piece of a puzzle, you realize you are a part of something and without you, it would not be complete.


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