Search Engine Marketing Resources

Search Engine Marketing is a broad subject, so there are many resources you can use to gain knowledge as well as detailed instruction on how to set up optimized ads and content.

A good website that helped me get my feet wet in this information is the Moz blog. Moz is an SEO consulting company, meaning they take clients and help them optimize their websites and content. The people who write for their blogs are very knowledgeable in the topics and the information is very readable.

Another good website that is useful for additional information is Search Engine Journal. This is a website that has a collaboration of people from all over with varying backgrounds blogging together. They all talk about different things and share a variety of insights on topics, they also have tutorials.

No one person, or two websites, can know all there is to know about Search Engine Optimization, but knowing where to find additional resources can make the journey of learning much less challenging.


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