Generating Traffic to Optimize Your Website

So now you have this awesome outlet, with amazing content, but no one is seeing it. It does not have to be that way. We talked about how content is a major key to generating traffic, but what is there to do when you’re not generating the traffic you want and need.

A very important part is trusting your content. This is not going to be another post where I ramble about the importance of good content when it comes to things like spelling and grammar, but trusting your content means giving it a push. There are many places you can share your work on, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and even Facebook or Twitter. Pinterest or LinkedIn might be slightly more directed depending on the topic you are talking about. Posting these things on your social media networks, like Facebook or Twitter, would get people or are close to you to help share it as well. So by putting your content out there, it is showing that you trust in it, so other people should too.

Find a target audience, figure out who you want to be seeing your target then aim and shoot. It cannot happen overnight, but think about the people who should be seeing it and use that information to make decisions. Not everyone can be reached by the same means, so make sure you know what kind of browsing the people you want to reach will be doing.

These are two simple ways to help generate traffic. There are many many ways to get your content out there, but there needs to be a focus on who you are making it for, and truly making it your best. 


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