My AdWords Certification Experience

AdWords is what it sounds like, it is an ad that displays some words. AdWords is a pay-per-click Ad service through Google Partners that is shown with other search results in places that are easy to see, but also their placement is determined by their overall ranking. I was very overwhelmed by the thought of learning how to use another Google feature, and I was nervous to take the exam, but I passed so you can too.

The AdWords certification is free and it provides a form of "proof" of your AdWords knowledge. When I heard a free exam, I was nervous again that maybe their would not be enough information for me to truly understand, but between the resources google can provide and some other sources it was possible.

Here are some tips I have for passing the google Ad Words exam for yourself.

The first piece of advice I have is use the Google resources. Google made the test, and they made study material, if it's not clicking the person who made the test also made a study material for it. They have an inside scoop on what will be on the test and they made a study guide. This guide includes videos and text as well as an outline. Below is a look at the Fundamentals exam first section..

The next thing you can do is buy a book. I used the book CASA Marketing Intro to Search Engine Marketing by Todd Kelsey. This book was very helpful because it broke down the exact steps in simple language anyone could understand. The people at Google are geniuses, and the information they post is very helpful however sometimes it as not as easy to understand; looking into books and blogs is a helpful way to get more information prior to taking the exams.

These resources worked for me to pass two of the six AdWords exams. There are six exams total, but getting certified only requires passing two of the exams, one of them being the AdWords Fundamental Exam.


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