Monitoring an AdWords Campaign

When you launch any AdWords campaign it is important to monitor it and make sure it is a successful campaign, not a waste of money. Monitoring your campaigns is rewarding because you get a clear picture of what is working and what is not working.

The first thing you want to do when you begin to monitor your campaign is select the time frame you want to be viewing. Google gives you some suggested time frames, but there is an option to select a custom one as well. The frequency you monitor is up to you as well as the time frame you actually review.

Another thing to know before creating a report is the amount of impressions, clicks, and the CTR. The impressions is how many people saw your ad, the clicks is how many people clicked on your ad, and the CTR is the click through rate, which is clicks over impressions to create a percentage. And wall-ah you have some information to create a report with.

On the report you should include the information you found, like clicks, impressions, and CTR, as well as the amount of time this is telling you about. After you see these things and put them into perspective, you can come up with strategies to do better or know what campaigns are not benefiting the organization anymore and make decisions based on that.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


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