The Buyers Journey

The buyers journey is the process a consumer goes through when making a purchasing decision. The buyers journey includes:

The awareness stage the buyer is starting to realize the problem, and looking into ways to fix it.

The consideration stage is when the buyer has decided what the problem is, and is committed to researching their options.

The decision stage is when the buyer has a long list of options and continues to do research until they whittle down the list to ultimately the final decision.

My buyers journey is going to be about the journey to find the perfect french fries. That is a broad term, but we're going to start now I'm not even sure what french fries will be the destination of this journey.

I'm starting to get crabby, everyone is irritating me. I drink some water, listen to music, but it is still not cutting it. I start to notice, I'm really really hungry and I really want french fries to solve my problems. I am aware that I want french fries, to solve my problem of hunger.

Now I begin to research while wondering what looks good. I start by googling Wendy's

This interested me because,

Google knew I was not done looking into my snack options. This made me want to look at the McDonald's and Burger Kind search results as well. I was considering all of the options during this time. 

Now that I know what foods are near me, and whether or not they are open, I know I want french fries so my decision can be based on that. 

I looked at Wendy's images first, and I was not disappointed. 

The next thing I looked at was the Burger King images, they did not grab me like the Wendy's food did.

I still was not completely sold on Wendy's, so I searched handy-dandy McDonald's images.
Like, I see you McDonald's with that all day breakfast reminder, but I'm on the hunt for french fries tonight. 

And with that I decided, I'm gonna grab my keys and go to Wendy's. 


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