Mktg 347 week 4 Instagram

Instagram is a means of social media that is solely pictures. Instagram has ways to edit and share photos as well as short captions describing or talking about the photo. Instagram is interesting because many people use it as if they were a business. Themes on Instagram have become popular for people who work on promoting themselves and want their page to have a nice flow, however businesses focus on showing their products and reposting images from people who tagged their products.

This is an example of a public figure, she has a youtube channel and is a makeup artist, Gina Shkeda and her theme on Instagram: as you can see from this picture she all of her photos have a warm filter and the pictures are similar to each other showing a flow of her personal life in an appealing way.

This next image is a company, Ofra Cosmetics. Their theme on Instrgam is a mix of pictures of their products as well as featured makeup artists that use their products to create looks.

Because Instagram can be so visually appealing it is an effective means of marketing. Companies can show how usable their products are by posting pictures of what real people are doing with them, and people can market themselves by creating an online visual presence. Another important thing about Instagram is that if your Instagram profile does not represent you well, you can make it private.


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