MKTG 345 week 3 Analytics Report

This is an example of a Google Analytics report using three metrics. 

Looking at the Acquisition > Overview > Top Channels
A channel is the means someone used to find the page, but not the specific source. Channels are the cumulative groups of similar types of pages that lead someone to the page. For example if someone was to find the page via a Bing search, that would default that channel to "search engine". 
  • This shows that a majority of the users that visit this sight find it from organic search results
  • This means that the Search Engine Optimizations efforts are affective and should continue to be kept up with. 

This image is looking at Audience > Over View > Sessions
A session is the users that are not passive, meaning the users who are actually interacting with the website. 
  • Because sessions expire the amount of sessions is different than the amount of users. The 105 sessions means that, within the setting time set, there were 105 although there were 99 users, so that means there are people interacting with the website within the given sessions time not just visiting the website. 

This metric is Behavior > Overview > Page views
A page view is an individual view on a page, even if it refreshes while on the page is counts as a new view, a unique page view is the page views without it being refreshed. 

  • By looking at the page views we can see there were a total of 274 and 214 unique.
  • The average time on a page is 56 seconds. This is important to know because based on the content on a page there should be some idea of whether or not that is a long enough time on a page or if there needs to be more optimization efforts to keep users there the desired amount of time. 
There are many different metrics that can be covered in a Google Analytics Report depending on what you want to know about the website. This is just an example of a few of the different things that can be summarized based on the information provided by Google Analytics. 


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