Week 4 What Color is Your Parachute

In the age of online connections, what appears in a Google search of your name can help or hurt you. Anything that is posted online never really goes away, so it is important to do what you can to ensure a web search of you yields positive results.

A quick Google search of myself does not easily show anything that is actually me because I have a very common name. However if your name is less common you may have a different type of results. Regardless of what you find, it is important to be aware of what is out there.

The most important thing you can do is making your social media private, unless everything you post is something you would be happy a potential employer sees. If you do not want to go the private route, just post with caution and know that whatever you post can be seen.

Another important thing with your online presence is to monitor it. Everyone has a different image, so if you are not sure what your recent activities will show up, just Google yourself. By googling yourself you are seeing what will pop up. You should also search yourself on other social media sites you use, because there may be things you think are private that are not.

This is a private Facebook profile with the most private of settings, this is not necessary, but if you have some things you do not want people to see it may be a good idea to have it be this private to help make you less findable.

On a side note, Facebook has a setting in their privacy feature that lets you view your profile as someone else, you can pick someone from your friends list, or you can view as someone who is not a friend with you. That is the best way to know what actually is being seen. I do not know if every website has these options, but knowing what your Facebook definitely looks like is helpful.


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