What Color is Your Parachute blog week 2

In the book I am reading, What Color is Your Parachute,  there is a section about job interviews but it relates job interviews to conversations, because that is what they truly are. They give a list of “conversation” or interview tips and if you want the whole list you’re going to have to read the book, but I’m going to share some of the things I realized from reading through tips.

The people who are interviewing you now have the power to be the hirer, but at one point in their career journey they were where you are now. Everyone has to start somewhere, so whether you get this job or not, and whether or not this is your last conversation with a potential employer you have to start somewhere. So this conversation may be the start of a new job, or it may be the start of the rest of your search.

In some ways your interview is like a date. In that I sense I mean, let them talk, they have questions, and you should have questions too. Yes, the person you are interviewing with is gaining information about you, but you also want to be gaining information about them as you go as well. In order for both parties to gather information there must be opportunities for both people to be heard. If you were on a date and the other person never stopped talking it’s cool you got to learn about them, but it might not feel so great knowing they did not learn much about you. What I’m trying to get at is the purpose of a date is to see if this is someone you want to continue to spend time with going forward, and an interview is trying to accomplish that same goal.

Small things can make or break the interview. How you treat the receptionist if there is one, if you go out for a meal how you treat the server. Every aspect of the interview can show different sides to your character so you need to be sure you really are putting your best foot forward.

An interview is not something to be scared of. Be confident in who you are and strive to make the best impression you can. You’re just having a conversation with someone, and they may not be interested in you after that conversation is over, but it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world and it definitely should not be the end of your career journey.


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