What Color is Your Parachute blog week 3

So assuming your conversation goes extremely well and the interviewer says they want to hire you, it’s time to celebrate. I do not think there is a better way to celebrate getting a new job other than beginning a salary negotiation! This may sound scary and like you’re going to create an enemy by accidentally demanding too much when in reality you have no idea what you should expect to be paid. Do not let it get to this point. I am not an expert so I’m not going to tell you how to conduct this negotiation, but I can give you some tips to keep in your back pocket before you even get into this situation.  

Be prepared. Before you get to a point in the hiring process that salary is negotiated, know about how much they probably are planning on paying you. This can be possible by researching that company, asking someone on the inside if you know someone there, or looking on the internet. Here are some links to websites that can help you gather information on expected salaries: GlassdoorSalary.comPayScale.

Bring your game face. Know BEFORE you go in the absolute minimum you will accept for this position. You know your living situation and I hope you have some idea of a budget before you get to the point of salary negotiation. So being realistic have an amount where if it seems to be going that low that is not ok and stick to your guns about that.

Your salary negotiation is just that, a negotiation, not a war. If the employer wants you and you want them they will be prepared to work with you so you have livable wages. 


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