MKTG 347 Keys to engagement week 12

Social media engagement is the measurement of shares, likes, comments, and the overall response to certain social media posts. Increasing engagement leads to increased traffic and general awareness of the brand or topic. So increasing engagement is beneficial in the long run.

Some ways to increase engagement are as follows.

One thing you need to do is get attention. When you post something that captures peoples attention they will stop scrolling and pay attention to what you shared.

Understanding you audience means you take into consideration what they do when they are not on social media. This way you can post things relevant to all areas of your audiences life.

A simple way to help increase engagement is to ask for a response based on the post. Include things like: comment your favorite ____, what do you think?, or how was your experience? This will prompt people to comment and tag their friends so they can share their experiences as well.

These are only three tips, but starting with these three will help engagement become easier because you will learn more about your audience and build relationships so engagement becomes more natural.


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