MKTG 347 week 13 Negatives of Social Media Marketing

My posts typically are informative of the benefits of various social media tools, as well as how to use them. I know social media marketing is important and there is definite ROI in most cases. I, however, think it is beneficial to shed some light on some of the possible negatives of social media marketing.

The first thing to keep in mind is, anything on the internet is there forever. There are countless times this is displayed with celebrities. They will post something they think is harmless, but is misinterpreted as offensive. They quickly delete it and post an apology or explanation. Before they even have a chance to delete it there are multiple screenshots shared. So they personally deleted the content, or altered it, and posted an explanation and apology, but the evidence of what happened is there and the damage is done. The screenshots can be found, and will be shared. There's an example of this exact thing when a celebrity, Stassi Schroeder released a podcast that had negative backlash you can read it here.

Another thing to be aware of is, comments are public. Peoples response (engagement) on social media is public. People will see, and people do read the comments. So however people react on social media is evident for people, even people who are not their friends.

Public comments leads to another somewhat negative of social media is the requirement of daily monitoring. This is not the worst thing in the world. But good social media requires more than a daily check up, you do not know when something is going to blow up or when someone is going to turn a positive post into something extremely negative. Consistent monitoring is necessary to the success of a social media account.

Another thing that is commonly looked over is the idea of going viral. In the long-run it is awesome to be that well known! However if posts grow too quickly the business may not be able to keep up with it. I'm going to go back to a company that was giving away a free red swimsuit, this may ring a bell. If it does not, there once was a company that promised to give away a free swimsuit to anyone that shared a specific post. It blew up and everyone was sharing this picture. All you had to pay was shipping, and it was a fairly expensive swimsuit. However because of how quickly it got so many shares the company was unable to keep up with the demand, and they did not have the ability to actually give the swimsuit to everyone who shared it as promised (read about that here). This lead to a negative view of the company by many consumers.

Overall Social Media is a powerful tool to help your business. But it is not something that can be overlooked or seen as an easy tool. You need to be ready to monitor and pay attention to what is going on, and have a plan of response to any negative backlash.


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