WCIYP How to Choose or Change Your Career week 8

Everyone must start somewhere with everything they do. I start every morning in my bed, but that does not mean my entire day will be laying in my bed. I started college as an actuarial science major, and I am not that anymore but I'm still going to finish college. You never know if you like something unless you try, but it's ok to not love what you do and want a change in your career or to find a career in general. Here are a few steps in finding what's right for you.

The first suggestion is look on the internet, there's no harm in applying for jobs. There's a lot of websites with a lot of information on current job listings, and what type of skills will be useful in the upcoming years for success. Reading about the different opportunities that are out there can be extremely useful in figuring out what you want to do. 

The second suggestion is to take personality or career assessments. These can be very useful in identifying what skills you enjoy using and finding a career path that aligns with that. Just be sure before taking the assessments you have an open mind, not a predetermined idea of what you think the best result is. 

Another useful way to find out what you should be doing is to get the book What Color is Your Parachute and do the flower exercise that is within it. You can read more about that here. You can but the book here.

Another way to find a new career is to research what the market will need in the future. Be aware of what is happening, so you do not accidentally pursue a career in a dying field.

These are just a few of the many ways to find a career. Not everyone can do everything, but being happy in what you are doing sure helps. 


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