MKTG 345 Google Analytics Conversion Rate week 12

A conversion rate is the number of people who completed a transaction compared to the total number of new webpage visitors. It is shown in a percentage, so the percent of new website visitors who complete a transaction. This is an important measurement because it shows the effectiveness of your website.

One thing to keep in mind while observing conversion rates is that if you are tracking more than one conversion, you rate may grow over 100% because more than one conversion could be counted for each click.

What you consider a conversion may vary based on the type of website you host. If you have a content website, you may want people to become a subscriber and that would be a conversion. If you have an e-commerce website, the conversion would be someone buying the product. So the conversion rate is the amount of people who take the desired action compared to the total amount of people that visit the website.

Google Analytics has a default way to calculate conversions. It is based on all of the goals you have set up within the analytics tool. Sometimes your conversion rate will be over 100%, or inaccurate so it is important to be careful when setting up goals. If you measure too many engagement metrics, or any at all, it will cause your conversion rate to inflate and not show a useful conversion rate.

The conversion rate on Google Analytics is measured by

Total Number of Goal Completions / Total Number of Sessions

Goals are measured one time during a session. 

Some ways to increase your conversion rate:

If you have a business that sells candles, but you do not sell them in any country outside of the US, it would be beneficial to filter out the places you do not sell candles to. If people from Canada are visiting your website, and would buy a candle but cannot, then you should not let them impact your conversion rate and filter those out of your calculation.

You can also build trust with people so they pick subscribing/purchasing from you not someone else. You can build trust by making it clear you understand peoples objectives and why they need your product. You can also make it easy for people to verify what you are saying is true, like let people post reviews on your website. 

Overall conversion rates can be important. Not everyone is going to act on your call-to-action, but being aware of the things that could increase this can be beneficial in the long run. 


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