
MKTG 345 Additional Google Analytics Resources week 14

As my time studying Google Analytics you should be able to still find answers to the questions you have. Although there are not many blogs dedicated to just Google Analytics, there are many blogs dedicated to web analytics, so they will also touch on Google Analytics pretty frequently. So there first blog the should be talked about is the Google Analytics Blog, it can be found:  here . This blog has a lot of information regarding how analytics can be used and highlights the features really well. Here is an article by StartBloggingOnline, where they discuss the various benefits of using Google Analytics as a blogger. So if you want to find out what Google Analytics can do for your blog, look  here . And the last blog I want to draw attention to is The Daily Egg, it is a blog based on conversion rate optimization, but has many posts regarding many digital marketing topics. They have an analytics section, which is linked  here. There is a lot of information online

MKTG 345 Google Analytics Certification Experience week 13

Google as their Google Partners webmaster tools, these are free certifications for various online tools Google has. For the specific Google Analytics Certification the exam is 70 questions, you have 90 minutes, and the score needed to pass is 80%, and it is valid for 18 months. There are two parts of studying for this exam, the Google Analytics for Beginners and the Advanced Google Analytics. The Google Analytics for beginners has four units, and the Advanced Google Analytics also has four units. I do not remember how long it takes to go through all of this information, but it was very useful in studying for this exam. There are many external sources you can use to aid in studying, but I did not find them necessary as Google created the exam, so they also provide enough information to pass the exam. Overall the exam was slightly more challenging than I anticipated it would be. However it is passable, and I found myself rushing through some of the material, and those w

MKTG 345 Google Analytics Conversion Rate week 12

A conversion rate is the number of people who completed a transaction compared to the total number of new webpage visitors. It is shown in a percentage, so the percent of new website visitors who complete a transaction. This is an important measurement because it shows the effectiveness of your website. One thing to keep in mind while observing conversion rates is that if you are tracking more than one conversion, you rate may grow over 100% because more than one conversion could be counted for each click. What you consider a conversion may vary based on the type of website you host. If you have a content website, you may want people to become a subscriber and that would be a conversion. If you have an e-commerce website, the conversion would be someone buying the product. So the conversion rate is the amount of people who take the desired action compared to the total amount of people that visit the website. Google Analytics has a default way to calculate conversions.

MKTG 345 Google Analytics Bounce Rate Week 11

The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors on a website who exit the site after only viewing one page. This is an important rate to know in marketing because it gives you insight on the user experience. If people did not find your website pleasing, they left. Not all high bounce rates are bad, if the reason for the ad campaign was to get people to complete the option and they went to that page, and did then the higher bounce rate may not be a bad thing. Or if the purpose of that page is to complete a specific task, like assist in making a phone call, or that lead directly to the product they clicked on. So if your goals only expect the visitor to visit one page then a lower bounce rate is ok. By looking at the bounce rate of all of your pages to be compared you can see which pages keep people on your site, and use that as a model to your other pages. You can also see all of the different traffic sources, and figure out which ones brought the most to your website, as well as wh

WCIYP You Can Start Your Own Business week 10

Some people despise the idea of working for someone else. This can be a good thing, there are always new business ideas and opportunities so why not take matters into your own hands and be your own boss and start your own business. There are a lot of ways to be your own boss, you can open a franchise or find a work-at-home business. If these are not what you are looking for then you can start a different business. The first step is coming up with what the business will be. This can be a writing exercise, or you can think about previous jobs you have had and what would make this a better fit for you. Another useful step is reading about your ideas online. See if anything has been done, in this field or similar to it. See if there are any businesses like this anywhere, finding someone to reach out and ask questions regarding this business can be helpful in your researching. After you research what you know about starting a business, and what you need to learn, and have a more

WCIYP You Have a Purpose week 9

We were all put on earth. It doesn't matter what system of beliefs you have, it is a fact we are all on earth, living, breathing beings, who must interact with the other humans. This may seem like the most obvious thing you have ever read. It can become something more very quickly, if you ever think why me in this exact place and time, then you may be dabbling in figuring out your purpose. I believe we were all put on this earth with a purpose. We do not all need to be the most perfect athlete, or the most intelligent person, but we all need to do what we do best. Society is at its peak when there is balance. If we all try to be the best at the same things we will ruin the balance and take away from our own lives and the lives of others. Finding your purpose sounds scary and rewarding, and it is both. I believe life purposes changes, everything in the universe is constantly changing, so why would your life purpose never change. I do think some people find their thin

WCIYP How to Choose or Change Your Career week 8

Everyone must start somewhere with everything they do. I start every morning in my bed, but that does not mean my entire day will be laying in my bed. I started college as an actuarial science major, and I am not that anymore but I'm still going to finish college. You never know if you like something unless you try, but it's ok to not love what you do and want a change in your career or to find a career in general. Here are a few steps in finding what's right for you. The first suggestion is look on the internet, there's no harm in applying for jobs. There's a lot of websites with a lot of information on current job listings, and what type of skills will be useful in the upcoming years for success. Reading about the different opportunities that are out there can be extremely useful in figuring out what you want to do.  The second suggestion is to take personality or career assessments. These can be very useful in identifying what skills you enjoy