
Showing posts from September, 2017

MKTG 345 Week 1 Google Analytics Account

Google Analytics is a helpful tool you can use to track various types of activity on your website. The analytics tool gathers anonymous information about the users on your site. Google Analytics is a free tool with the learning material available on the Google Partners website, so it is free and easy to use. Here's how to set up your Google Analytics account and put the tracking code on the blogger website. There are other websites this is compatible with, but for the purpose of this post I will be showing the steps of getting the tracking code on Google and where to put it on your blog. When you go to the Google Analytics  website , if you do not have an existing analytics account you will be prompted to create an account. It is a free service and any existing Google account works, (gmail, or whatever log in you use to view google docs and other Google websites) but if you don't have a google account it is free and easy to set up. So once you are logged into your Google

MKTG 345 week 3 Analytics Report

This is an example of a Google Analytics report using three metrics.  Looking at the Acquisition > Overview > Top Channels A channel is the means someone used to find the page, but not the specific source. Channels are the cumulative groups of similar types of pages that lead someone to the page. For example if someone was to find the page via a Bing search, that would default that channel to "search engine".  This shows that a majority of the users that visit this sight find it from organic search results This means that the Search Engine Optimizations efforts are affective and should continue to be kept up with.  This image is looking at Audience > Over View > Sessions A session is the users that are not passive, meaning the users who are actually interacting with the website.  Because sessions expire the amount of sessions is different than the amount of users. The 105 sessions means that, within the setting time set, there were 105 a

Week 4 What Color is Your Parachute

In the age of online connections, what appears in a Google search of your name can help or hurt you. Anything that is posted online never really goes away, so it is important to do what you can to ensure a web search of you yields positive results. A quick Google search of myself does not easily show anything that is actually me because I have a very common name. However if your name is less common you may have a different type of results. Regardless of what you find, it is important to be aware of what is out there. The most important thing you can do is making your social media private, unless everything you post is something you would be happy a potential employer sees. If you do not want to go the private route, just post with caution and know that whatever you post can be seen. Another important thing with your online presence is to monitor it. Everyone has a different image, so if you are not sure what your recent activities will show up, just Google yourself. By googlin

Mktg 347 week 4 Instagram

Instagram is a means of social media that is solely pictures. Instagram has ways to edit and share photos as well as short captions describing or talking about the photo. Instagram is interesting because many people use it as if they were a business. Themes on Instagram have become popular for people who work on promoting themselves and want their page to have a nice flow, however businesses focus on showing their products and reposting images from people who tagged their products. This is an example of a public figure, she has a youtube channel and is a makeup artist,  Gina Shkeda  and her theme on Instagram: as you can see from this picture she all of her photos have a warm filter and the pictures are similar to each other showing a flow of her personal life in an appealing way. This next image is a company,  Ofra Cosmetics . Their theme on Instrgam is a mix of pictures of their products as well as featured makeup artists that use their products to create looks. Beca

What Color is Your Parachute blog week 3

So assuming your conversation goes extremely well and the interviewer says they want to hire you, it’s time to celebrate. I do not think there is a better way to celebrate getting a new job other than beginning a salary negotiation! This may sound scary and like you’re going to create an enemy by accidentally demanding too much when in reality you have no idea what you should expect to be paid. Do not let it get to this point. I am not an expert so I’m not going to tell you how to conduct this negotiation, but I can give you some tips to keep in your back pocket before you even get into this situation.   Be prepared. Before you get to a point in the hiring process that salary is negotiated, know about how much they probably are planning on paying you. This can be possible by researching that company, asking someone on the inside if you know someone there, or looking on the internet. Here are some links to websites that can help you gather information on expected salaries:  Gla

MKTG 347 Week 3 Ways to Share Content

Having content readily available is one of the most important skills a social media marketer should have. Keeping social media up to date helps build trust and gives people something to look at on a continuous basis. There are many different means of communication that can be used when posting on social media. One popular way to produce content is a blog, posting regularly about a topic will help gain trust from people you are marketing to. By blogging you are showing an interest in the topic you are trying to get other people care about. Keeping the blogs personal, and making sure they are easy to read are two great ways to help the readers. Check out my blog post about blogging  here . Another popular way people can communicate through social media is by videos. Making simple videos can help you create personal content, and these videos can be shared easily on other social media platforms, as well as your blog. These videos should not be too or or too in depth, make them

What Color is Your Parachute blog week 2

In the book I am reading, W hat Color is Your Parachute,  there is a section about job interviews but it relates job interviews to conversations, because that is what they truly are. They give a list of “conversation” or interview tips and if you want the whole list you’re going to have to read the book, but I’m going to share some of the things I realized from reading through tips. The people who are interviewing you now have the power to be the hirer, but at one point in their career journey they were where you are now. Everyone has to start somewhere, so whether you get this job or not, and whether or not this is your last conversation with a potential employer you have to start somewhere. So this conversation may be the start of a new job, or it may be the start of the rest of your search. In some ways your interview is like a date. In that I sense I mean, let them talk, they have questions, and you should have questions too. Yes, the person you are inte