
Showing posts from November, 2017

MKTG 345 Google Analytics Bounce Rate Week 11

The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors on a website who exit the site after only viewing one page. This is an important rate to know in marketing because it gives you insight on the user experience. If people did not find your website pleasing, they left. Not all high bounce rates are bad, if the reason for the ad campaign was to get people to complete the option and they went to that page, and did then the higher bounce rate may not be a bad thing. Or if the purpose of that page is to complete a specific task, like assist in making a phone call, or that lead directly to the product they clicked on. So if your goals only expect the visitor to visit one page then a lower bounce rate is ok. By looking at the bounce rate of all of your pages to be compared you can see which pages keep people on your site, and use that as a model to your other pages. You can also see all of the different traffic sources, and figure out which ones brought the most to your website, as well as wh

WCIYP You Can Start Your Own Business week 10

Some people despise the idea of working for someone else. This can be a good thing, there are always new business ideas and opportunities so why not take matters into your own hands and be your own boss and start your own business. There are a lot of ways to be your own boss, you can open a franchise or find a work-at-home business. If these are not what you are looking for then you can start a different business. The first step is coming up with what the business will be. This can be a writing exercise, or you can think about previous jobs you have had and what would make this a better fit for you. Another useful step is reading about your ideas online. See if anything has been done, in this field or similar to it. See if there are any businesses like this anywhere, finding someone to reach out and ask questions regarding this business can be helpful in your researching. After you research what you know about starting a business, and what you need to learn, and have a more

WCIYP You Have a Purpose week 9

We were all put on earth. It doesn't matter what system of beliefs you have, it is a fact we are all on earth, living, breathing beings, who must interact with the other humans. This may seem like the most obvious thing you have ever read. It can become something more very quickly, if you ever think why me in this exact place and time, then you may be dabbling in figuring out your purpose. I believe we were all put on this earth with a purpose. We do not all need to be the most perfect athlete, or the most intelligent person, but we all need to do what we do best. Society is at its peak when there is balance. If we all try to be the best at the same things we will ruin the balance and take away from our own lives and the lives of others. Finding your purpose sounds scary and rewarding, and it is both. I believe life purposes changes, everything in the universe is constantly changing, so why would your life purpose never change. I do think some people find their thin

WCIYP How to Choose or Change Your Career week 8

Everyone must start somewhere with everything they do. I start every morning in my bed, but that does not mean my entire day will be laying in my bed. I started college as an actuarial science major, and I am not that anymore but I'm still going to finish college. You never know if you like something unless you try, but it's ok to not love what you do and want a change in your career or to find a career in general. Here are a few steps in finding what's right for you. The first suggestion is look on the internet, there's no harm in applying for jobs. There's a lot of websites with a lot of information on current job listings, and what type of skills will be useful in the upcoming years for success. Reading about the different opportunities that are out there can be extremely useful in figuring out what you want to do.  The second suggestion is to take personality or career assessments. These can be very useful in identifying what skills you enjoy

WCIY Workplace Culture week 7

Workplace culture is all about the type of place and type of people you are working with. A lot of times people associate brand value and employee compensation as the only two important aspects of a company. Company culture is often over looked with the belief that these two other aspects are enough to bring in enough new talent to sustain the company. This is not always true, work culture is important. In most cases the work place culture can determine the ability of leadership and employees to relate to each other, without being on the same page managers and employees will be less able to make decisions for the common good of the company. There must be some general feeling everyone shares. Not every work place will have the same culture, so it's more about finding one that works for you than adapting to whatever culture you come across. Working is not selling your soul to the company, you should feel comfortable and excited to go to work. You should feel like you are working

MKTG 345 Gaining Traffic for Analytics week 10

In order to use Google Analytics to track website data, there must be some traffic so there is something to analyze. How can you get traffic, if it a new website and no one knows you started it? You must share it! You should share it on any social media platform, and encourage people to share it for you as well. I personally share my posts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Where you share your website may vary and that is okay, as long as where you are sharing it is a place people will see it and potentially share it as well. It's very easy to share on all of these sites. All you need to do is copy the link then write a post and paste the link, then hit the share button. On LinkedIn the box looks like this: The LinkedIn post looks like this. Then you hit the "Post" button and your blog is shared.  The next place I went to share was Facebook. I have a digital marketing Facebook page so the box I share with looks like this:   Then you simply w

MKTG 345 Pros and Cons of Google Analytics week 9

Google Analytics is a popular and powerful analytics tool. There are a lot of benefits of using this tool opposed to other tools. Google is good at a lot of things they do, so it's not surprising their analytics tool is good as well.  Some of the benefits include it's free, so anyone can use it. Because it is free even small businesses who are just trying to figure things out can see how their efforts are going. You can connect Google Analytics to a lot of different types of websites, which is helpful since not everyone uses the same few domains. Along with being able to link it to many different types of websites you can also link it to your AdWords account. Once you link your Google Analytics and Google AdWords accounts you can create some custom goals and these tools will work together to help you meet them. You can also create reports using Google Analytics and it will show you whatever selected information you are interested in knowing. You can also set up th

MKTG 347 What really is social media week 14

We talk about the importance of social media, and the use of it as a marketer. However, social media is only worthwhile if there are people seeing what you are putting out there. Learning about social media marketing made me wonder how many people are on social media and how much time they spend being there. I found these statistics, shown  here , That show in 2017 81% of US population (323.1 million people) is on social media. That's about 261.7 million people in the United States alone. Statistics show teens use social media for 30% of their day, and pre teens use social media between 8-12 years old are on social media about 6 hours a day. The average person is on social media about two hours a day. Using those averages here are some comparisons to social media times and other daily things: We can also break down those statistics further by looking at the average time spent on each platform a day. Of course different age groups spread out the amount of time on an

MKTG 347 week 13 Negatives of Social Media Marketing

My posts typically are informative of the benefits of various social media tools, as well as how to use them. I know social media marketing is important and there is definite ROI in most cases. I, however, think it is beneficial to shed some light on some of the possible negatives of social media marketing. The first thing to keep in mind is, anything on the internet is there forever. There are countless times this is displayed with celebrities. They will post something they think is harmless, but is misinterpreted as offensive. They quickly delete it and post an apology or explanation. Before they even have a chance to delete it there are multiple screenshots shared. So they personally deleted the content, or altered it, and posted an explanation and apology, but the evidence of what happened is there and the damage is done. The screenshots can be found, and will be shared. There's an example of this exact thing when a celebrity, Stassi Schroeder released a podcast that had

MKTG 347 Keys to engagement week 12

Social media engagement is the measurement of shares, likes, comments, and the overall response to certain social media posts. Increasing engagement leads to increased traffic and general awareness of the brand or topic. So increasing engagement is beneficial in the long run. Some ways to increase engagement are as follows. One thing you need to do is get attention. When you post something that captures peoples attention they will stop scrolling and pay attention to what you shared. Understanding you audience means you take into consideration what they do when they are not on social media. This way you can post things relevant to all areas of your audiences life. A simple way to help increase engagement is to ask for a response based on the post. Include things like: comment your favorite ____, what do you think?, or how was your experience? This will prompt people to comment and tag their friends so they can share their experiences as well. These are only three t

MKTG 347 Scheduling Posts on Hootsuite week 11

Hootsuite is a social media marketing medium that helps you manage multiple platforms at once. This really helps make social media marketing a lot easier for digital marketers, one of the tools it has is scheduled posting. Say you need to share blog posts to a companies Facebook page. They already have the blogging done, they just want a regular schedule for sharing these posts on social media, and the Facebook side of their social media should have weekly blog posts shared. They have all of the posts done for the next two months. It is not the most efficient thing to have to remember to go on the blog website, copy the link, then go to Facebook and create a new post, that's time out of a day that is not necessary. By using Hootsuite you can set up scheduled posts ahead of time. Once you have your Hootsuite account set up, so there are social medias linked to the account and dashboards are set up, you are ready to set up scheduled posts. The first thing you need to do is

MKTG 347 LinkedIn Ads Week 10

Using LinkedIn is a great way to expand your professional network, but there can be benefits to using LinkedIn in marketing. For example, I will share this blog post on LinkedIn and that is one way I am marketing my content for my LinkedIn connections. However, LinkedIn also has a way to use paid ads similar to Facebook or Google ads. To create a LinkedIn Ad go  here , and follow the steps. So once you click create Ad you're given these three options: Sponsored content is the right choice if you want to have content shown in the LinkedIn feed, you want to target your viewers based on the data in their professional profiles, and you want to gain leads and build customer relationships.  The Text Ads is the right choice if you want ads that are easy to create, help gain traffic and leads, and pay for only the ads that work, cost per click. Sponsored InMail is the right choice if you want conversions and a more personal way to send a message, reach people using desktop