
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Buyers Journey

The buyers journey is the process a consumer goes through when making a purchasing decision. The buyers journey includes: The awareness stage the buyer is starting to realize the problem, and looking into ways to fix it. The consideration stage is when the buyer has decided what the problem is, and is committed to researching their options. The decision stage is when the buyer has a long list of options and continues to do research until they whittle down the list to ultimately the final decision. My buyers journey is going to be about the journey to find the perfect french fries. That is a broad term, but we're going to start now I'm not even sure what french fries will be the destination of this journey. I'm starting to get crabby, everyone is irritating me. I drink some water, listen to music, but it is still not cutting it. I start to notice, I'm really really hungry and I really want french fries to solve my problems. I am aware  that I want french fries,

A Look at a Career in Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization has an enormous amount of opportunities in its field. A common and interesting job in this field is a SEO consultant. An SEO consultant is someone who works with individual clients to make sure they implement their SEO strategies. Joe Hall is a SEO consultant who created Hall Analysis, a consultant who gives high-level SEO analysis. They help companies get a customized set of SEO and online strategies by using audits on an individual basis. Joe Hall oversees a vast amount of focus points to ensure well rounded consulting. Something interesting about Hall Analysis is that every customer works directly with the owner, Joe hall. This makes his consulting extremely straightforward and intimate with the customer. His buisness is is completely transparent, and has high customer satisfaction because every client feels taken care of as well as confident in Hall's abilities. There are many different career opportunities in the SEO field, but consu

Search Engine Marketing Resources

Search Engine Marketing is a broad subject, so there are many resources you can use to gain knowledge as well as detailed instruction on how to set up optimized ads and content. A good website that helped me get my feet wet in this information is the  Moz blog . Moz is an SEO consulting company, meaning they take clients and help them optimize their websites and content. The people who write for their blogs are very knowledgeable in the topics and the information is very readable. Another good website that is useful for additional information is  Search Engine Journal . This is a website that has a collaboration of people from all over with varying backgrounds blogging together. They all talk about different things and share a variety of insights on topics, they also have tutorials. No one person, or two websites, can know all there is to know about Search Engine Optimization, but knowing where to find additional resources can make the journey of learning much less challe

Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking is following what happens after someone clicks on your ad. Whether or not they make a purchase, and whether they look at other things or not. Conversion tracking is important because it's kind of the purpose of all of this. The point of optimizing your website for search engines is to gain traffic and get people to buy your product or visit your site. Using conversion tracking helps you know whether or not your campaign is effective. If a company or an organization is paying you to help them create ad campaigns then they want to make sure it is profitable. Using conversion tracking is necessary for a successful campaign because if it is running on a loss, maybe it is time to cut ties. Knowing the information form conversion tracking is the most important part of SEO. Without the gains from the content that is posted there would be no reason for an organization to  keep paying you, unless the return on investment is worth it.

Monitoring an AdWords Campaign

When you launch any AdWords campaign it is important to monitor it and make sure it is a successful campaign, not a waste of money. Monitoring your campaigns is rewarding because you get a clear picture of what is working and what is not working. The first thing you want to do when you begin to monitor your campaign is select the time frame you want to be viewing. Google gives you some suggested time frames, but there is an option to select a custom one as well. The frequency you monitor is up to you as well as the time frame you actually review. Another thing to know before creating a report is the amount of impressions, clicks, and the CTR. The impressions is how many people saw your ad, the clicks is how many people clicked on your ad, and the CTR is the click through rate, which is clicks over impressions to create a percentage. And wall-ah you have some information to create a report with. On the report you should include the information you found, like clicks, impressions

Search Engine Marketing vs. Search Engine Optimization

Search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO), may, at first glance, seem like things that could mean the same thing. They do and they don't, but they are a team not independent ideas. They are two separate things, but to get the maximum benefits from either you need to do both. Search Engine Marketing is the process of promoting your website in ways that make it more visible on search engines, commonly through pay per click ads. Search Engine Optimization is increasing the flow of traffic to a particular website to ensure that it is visible on the search results page. So they seem pretty similar, but they're more of a team than interchangeable. A website using SEO strategies is doing what they can to appear higher in organic search results, the not paid for listing spots; while SEM takes a different approach to increase their traffic, they pay for their spot but use the AdWords so their ad can be more targeted depending on the exact keywords people

My AdWords Certification Experience

AdWords is what it sounds like, it is an ad that displays some words. AdWords is a pay-per-click Ad service through Google Partners that is shown with other search results in places that are easy to see, but also their placement is determined by their overall ranking. I was very overwhelmed by the thought of learning how to use another Google feature, and I was nervous to take the exam, but I passed so you can too. The AdWords certification is free and it provides a form of "proof" of your AdWords knowledge. When I heard a free exam, I was nervous again that maybe their would not be enough information for me to truly understand, but between the resources google can provide and some other sources it was possible. Here are some tips I have for passing the google Ad Words exam for yourself. The first piece of advice I have is use the Google resources. Google made the test, and they made study material, if it's not clicking the person who made the test also made a study

AdWords Campaign Goals

When it comes to AdWords and launching campaigns there are many different ways you can go about putting your ads online. There is a lot of trial and error but setting goals can help ensure you are following a plan to success. It is important to remember what your goals are, is your goal to make a certain amount of money? Or is your goal to get a certain amount of impressions, or clicks? Knowing your goal will ensure your campaign stays on track. Not only should you keep your goals in mind, you should also be sure you are setting SMART goals. Following the SMART goal objectives will make sure your goals are within reach and measurable. Making your goals into SMART goals helps everyone involved in the campaign to be aware of the direction they should be taking. 

MKTG 347 Week 1 Social Media Marketing

Social media is a platform that anyone can be apart of, so why wouldn’t a business want to be a part of a place where it becomes easier to reach millions of people you may not otherwise be able to make an impact on. There are many different platforms that your business could be a part of, from Facebook to Pinterest, but the benefits can be the same as long as you find the one that is best for you. As I begin to learn about different types of social media and how to effectively market on them I will take you along for the journey and update this blog with the tips and tricks to become a master, at least on the introductory level, of social media marketing.

Search Engine Optimization Additional Resources

Search Engine Optimization is a growing field. As time goes on there will be new and improved ways to optimize your website for consumers and search engines. I do not know everything there is to know about optimization, and most people do not. Even experts in the field are continuing to learn new ways to help their clients optimize their content. Here are some additional resources on search engine optimization. This blog titled "What is SEO" on  Search Engine Land  is a great resource for SEO whether you are new to the topic or already working in the field. This post also has a great image and video to help put what they are saying into a more understandable perspective. The website created by  Neil Patel  does seem like one of those SEO too good to be true traps, but the articles he posts do contain valuable information. His website has many detailed articles that contain clear information. These are just a few of the resources I have been using to start to f

Generating Traffic to Optimize Your Website

So now you have this awesome outlet, with amazing content, but no one is seeing it. It does not have to be that way. We talked about how content is a major key to generating traffic, but what is there to do when you’re not generating the traffic you want and need. A very important part is trusting your content. This is not going to be another post where I ramble about the importance of good content when it comes to things like spelling and grammar, but trusting your content means giving it a push. There are many places you can share your work on, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and even Facebook or Twitter. Pinterest or LinkedIn might be slightly more directed depending on the topic you are talking about. Posting these things on your social media networks, like Facebook or Twitter, would get people or are close to you to help share it as well. So by putting your content out there, it is showing that you trust in it, so other people should too. Find a target aud

Optimizing Mobile Pages

Using best practice is almost like using a short cut. Someone else tried things, figured out what works and what doesn’t, and now you can use it. Thank them, and feel free to try other things; you may be the newest creator of a best practice. If you are using the best practices then you are showing that you have truly gained the knowledge and are putting it into action. One of these best practices is having a mobile friendly website. One best practice that is a key to optimization is make sure your website is mobile friendly. As the number of searches that happen on mobile devices increase, the importance of having a mobile accessible website also becomes more important. I want to pause for a second and think about mobile browsing, I do it and I’m sure you have too. I think there is an important difference between a mobile accessible website and mobile-friendly website. When I say, mobile accessible, I mean they have a mobile version, and when I say, mobile friendly, I am saying t